Monday, October 20, 2014

These past couple weeks have been amazing and truly full of miracles.


I´m am so happy to be writing this email. These past couple weeks have been amazing and truly full of miracles. I just thank God everyday for all the blessing that he is pouring out on us. 

Valentin - VALENTIN IS BAPTIZED!!!! He got baptized on Saturday evening and confirmed on Sunday at church. It was such a beautiful service. Fernando, one of the members that has been helping us a lot with him, is the one that baptized and confirmed him. He also bore a testimony along with Iulia (the romanian lady from the ward that is like Valentin´s mom now). My companion and I got talks and then all the missionaries did a special musical number and sang "I believe in Christ." After the baptism Valentin got up and bore his testimony in Romanian and Claudia (Iulia´s daughter) translated for us. It was such a beautiful moment. His testimony is so pure. He talked about the Book of Mormon and how much that book means to him and ended by saying Thanks to God because before he was alone and now he has a really big family. This week we also taught him how to pray in Spanish! He then taught me how to pray in romanian so I said my first pray ever in romanian and he said is first prayer in spanish this week haha. 

Los Wilder - Wilder got confirmed this week right along with Valentin. It has been so beautiful to see this family come together in the gospel. Last night we had a lesson with them and we played a Restoration Memory Card game - half the cards have words and the other half have the definitions, and all of them have something to do with the first lesson. Then you have to try to match the definitions to words. Aparently I´m really good at this game because I´ve won everytime haha. The Wilders really loved it and the son was there too so that was great! 

Tyler - A really amazing miracle happened to me today! Yesterday we got this call from a random number and it happened to be my really good friend Tyler Harmon! Turns out he is in madrid this week and wanted to see me. So we were able to meet with him in Sol today and catch up a little bit. I gave him a book of mormon that I had written my testimony in and he promised me he would read it. I´m so grateful to God because I have prayed morning and night for Tyler everyday of my mission and I know this was an answer to my prayers. 

Jenifer - Jenifer is a new investigator. She is the wife of a less active man that we met on the street. We were able to meet with her for a few minutes this week. She seems really adorable and really interested in learning more about the church. She says her husband, Alejandro, always tells her stories about when he was an active member. 

There is much more to tell but very little time! Know that I love you all and GOD DOES ANSWER PRAYERS.

Os Quiero,
hermana Ariana Fuller

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