Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Starting from scratch

Querida Familia,

This week we are finding that we are going to have to start from scratch. None of our current investigators are keeping up with their committments or seem really interested. However, I feel like we have some promising future investigators:

Mara and Isabel- Mara is an employee at a Panadería that we love to go to. We have become friends with her and she always recommends yummy pasteries for us. She is 27 and has a little boy. One day we as we were buying pasteries we started talking about our beliefs with her. She invited us to go get drinks with her and her friend. Of course we couldn´t get "drinks" but we were able to meet with her and her friend and share more about the gospel. Her friends name is Isabel and she has a little boy and a husband. They both are from España and grew up here together. They loved talking with us and want to bring their husbands next time to meet us. 

Tomás and Sandro - Two men we contacted from France. We contacted Tomás first and then when his friend Sandro walked up he asked him if he believed in God. His reply "Are you drunk? Do I look like I´m drunk?" We talked with them for a little bit before we had to leave. Then a few days later we saw Sandro outside of a grocery store. He remembered us and was pleased to see us. It was raining really hard and he didn´t have an umbrella so we gave him one of ours. If anything I am happy that he has a better opinion of our church now and that we were able to serve him. 

Alejandro - Alejandro is a homeless spanish street musician that plays the guitar near our piso. Everytime we pass him we say hi and talked with him a little. One night we passed by him and he was terribly drunk and depressed. He began telling us about different things that had happened in his life. We stayed with him for a while to give him comfort and we read him a scripture. We went back everyday after that to try and find him with no luck. The other day we were walking in that area and we hear "Hermanas." We turned around and it was Alejandro. He was looking so much better and getting help. He was really grateful for what we did for him. We are going to try to start teaching him.

Marta and Her Mom - Marta and her mom are from Gijón and own a flowershop on a street near the capilla. We met them one day when we were buying flowers for Isabel for her baptism. We ended up having an hour long conversation with them. They were so sweet and said if we ever needed anything they were there for us. We are hoping to have a Noche de Hogar with their family and begin teaching them. 

Paulino and crew - One night as we were contacting near the capilla we ran into a couple of old spanish men. As we began talking with them about the gospel more and more old spanish men came in a joined the conversation. Paulino doesn´t believe in anything; religion, God, life after death. Basically what he told us was that serving the mission was stupid and that we should go home and spend time with our boyfriends. It was a little crazy with all the different opinions and beliefs going around but with the help of God my companion and I were able to hold our own and speak with the spirit to the point that at moments they were silent. The next day we ran into them again and it was almost like Paulino was a different man. This time he defended us to his friends and said if it wasn´t for the mission we wouldn´t be there learning a new culture, language, or talking with him. Overnight he went from thinking we were wasting our time to defending us. It is amazing to see how the spirit works on people. I am excited to see what miracles the spirit can work on this man. 

Carlos - Carlos is an Evangelist pastor that has the bible memorized and has read the Book of Mormon twice. The first time we met with him was really difficult and he was trying to tell us why our religion was wrong. The next time we met with him was literally the complete opposite. The spirit was so strong in the lesson and we were able to teach about the Restauración of the Gospel We teach him with the other set of hermanas in Gijón and after that lesson we were all in shock. It was a miracle. 

From all of these experiences this week I have learned so much about life, people, and missionary work. The best way to be a missionary is to be a friend. As we form relationships with all of these people around us they are more willing to hear our message and their hearts are open to feeling the spirit. This is especially true with the people of Spain. As I form these friendships with the people of Spain I can feel how much God really loves them, as He loves each one of us. He cares about every single one of His children. I love serving this people. The people here are stubborn and prideful, yes, but they are also passionate, dedicated, and full of love, and once you touch their heart you are there forever. Everyday, through little miracles and tender mercies, I see how much God loves this people. I am excited for the miracles that God has in store for me and the people of Spain.

Mucho Amor,
Hermana Ariana Fuller

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