Tuesday, November 12, 2013

We have seen a miracle happen

Dear Family and Friends,

Wow, this week has been Fantastic! 

First off we have seen a miracle happen with our investigator, Isabel. She is on date to be baptized this coming Saturday!!! None of us could be more thrilled or excited for her. She realized that she is free to make her own decisions and do what makes her happy. When we went over the baptismal interview questions with her she got really emotional and told us she wanted to be as pure as possible when she was baptized. She is so prepared and it really has blessed my life being able to know her and teach her. 

We also started teaching a very promising new investigator. His name is Roger and he is from the Congo. During the first lesson when we were talking about the Book of Mormon he stopped us and said, "I have no doubt in my mind that this book is true." .... Hermana Cançado and I just looked at each other and tried not to freak out. Since then we have also taught the Plan of Salvation where he said "I want to do everything I can to get to the Celestial Kingdom." He has so much real intent and desire. The only problem is that he will be leaving soon to visit his family for 45 days. We are going to see how much he progresses before then. 

We are also trying to work miracles with our 9 year old investigator, Estefanía. Yesterday we fasted with her for her to be able to be baptized in January before her family leaves for Ecuador. She has the desire to be baptized and I faith that through fasting and prayer her father´s heart will be softened and this miracle can happen. Yesterday we also had a Noche de Hogar with her, Katy, and her mom (who is an inactive member and doesn´t have a testimony) Sonnia. We talked about fortifying the family through the gospel. The spirit was really strong. I think that through both of her daughters testimonies, Sonnia´s heart will be softened as well and she we´ll start to gain a testimony of her own. 

Both Hermana Cançado and I are feeling very happy, motivated, and united in the work. I am excited to keep working hard and seeing what miracles the Lord can work through us. 

Hermana Fuller

Eating Octopus

Birthday Dinner: Hermana Cancado(Standing Ari's Comp),
Hermana Grover, Hermana Diezi, Elder Castaldi (Short Dark Hair),
Elder Alhouvori (Blond Hair)

Birthday Cake

Blowing Out the Candle

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