Monday, August 5, 2013


August 1, 2013

Hola Familia y Amigos!!!
Wow, I don´t even know where to start. We have such little time to write. Everyone is so happy to be writing their families. WE LOVE E-MAILS AND LETTERS. So tell everyone to send them. Also, if you could get me any e-mails and addresses people posted on facebook I would love them. Could I get Alashtay´s e-mail?

First of all, I LOVE IT HERE. Seriously, everyday has been amazing. I am so blessed to be able to go to the MTC here in Madrid. My companera is Hermana Dunn. She is fantastic. We get a long really really well. There are 6 elders and 4 hermanas in my district. We all have a lot of fun together, probably too much fun. I especially love the hermanas. The other two are Hermana Durham and Hermana Thunborg. I already feel so close to them. I remember right after I met my companera I felt so much love for her. We all have become very close and I already know it will be hard to say goodbye to them. Two of us are going to Madrid and the other two are going to Barcelona.

Okay, where to begin... The food. The food is SO YUMMY. We get really authentic spanish food. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we have fresh squeazed orange juice. My favorite is when we have nutella and croissants for breakfast. I have also tried shark this week. We have a lot of potatoes and fish. I would say we are pretty spoiled. On Saturday´s we get to go the park and proscelyte. The park is so beautiful. It´s more of a forest than a park. This Saturday was a little difficult because we speak so little spanish still, but me and my companera had a great conversation with a man named Majid. Turns out he spoke english which is why. haha. The language is actually going so great. Everyone here tells me I have a really great accent, which I was surpised to hear. When I was introducing myself in front of the whole MTC I even surprised myself at  how the word Hermana sounded coming out of my mouth. Dad - I am learning with the Zeta. Two of my teachers speak with the zeta and they are both from Spain. The other teacher is from Ecuador. I love the Zeta though, I think it is beautiful and it also helps you learn how to spell. You only use the zeta in specific circumstances. In one of our first spanish classes I literally started crying because I was so happy and so excited to be here. Now everyone in my district says someone is pulling an Hermana Fuller when they want to cry because they are so happy. haha
Some funny things that have happened with my district: Elder Rassumussen is hilarious. We are curretly teaching "investigators" who are really our teachers. In one of the lessons he accidently said that the pope was in the Book of Mormon. In another lesson the other Hermanas in our district accidently read John 8:21 when teaching about baptism. Go read it. It is not one you want to read before you asked someone to get baptized. We laughed a lot about that.

I met the Hermana who is sister´s of the girl in you ward in AZ. She is super nice. Also, Abbey Smiley´s cousin is here. haha random. We  also get to sing here, a lot. I love singing in Spanish! We sang at the park on Saturday and then we sang on the steps of the temple grounds on sunday. I think there is a video of us on the facebook page. You should check it out. The Elder who was in the Train crash is here in the CCM. He spoke sunday. He is a very nice elder. But no mom, I wasn´t on the train, thankfully.

If you want to send me a package send me pens and highlighters and sticky tabs and suckers (they help keep us awake). Also candy or chocolate.

Okay, I have to go! I Love you all!


Hermana Ariana Fuller

ps. when will my glasses get here. i have a minor eye infection.
I have a little more time to write and a few more things to tell you all.

Okay, so we started teaching investigators the third day we were here... and in spanish! It´s been tough, but we finally had the most amazing lesson. Yesterday our first lesson went, well, horribly. We had a difficult time communicating anything we wanted to say. The next lesson was the complete opposite. We were finally able to communicate everything we wanted and the spirit was so amazing. My companion bore a beautiful testimony. After we were done we were both squealing because we were so happy and I started crying. Then our teacher came and told us something in spanish and said "you are champions. the spirit was so sweet." I started crying again.

A few other things. I memorized "My purpose" in spanish! Yay! There are 90 missionaries here, the most they have ever had in the CCM. I have gone to the Madrid temple twice. I see it right outside the window of the CCM everyday. If I have a plaque I want D&C 12:8 on it. Another food we have is peaches and creme. We cut up peaches put in sugar apckets and whipped creme on top. We have snack time everynight... it´s our favorite.

Photo in the Airport
First Companion Hermana Dunn

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