Monday, October 21, 2013

First week of my second transfer


This week was the first week of my second transfer and the first week with my new companion Hermana Cançado. She is from Washington (the state) and is 22 years old. Her parents are from Brazil so she speaks portuguese as well. I Absolutely Love her. She is very sweet and we get a long very well. We are the same person in so many ways. I am also learning a lot from her. She has a very different working style than my last companion, Hermana King. It has been different but I´m learning that there are a lot of ways to do missionary work.

This week has actually been rather tough. Our investigator, Carolina, is really sick and we´ve only been able to meet with her via phone. We also found out that she encountered some anti-mormon literature online and all that jazz. However, we can´t work anything out until we can meet with her. It has become a really complicated situation. I love this girl so much and I know that this gospel will bless her life so much. Please keep her in your prayers.

Then there is our wonderful investigator, Isabel. Isabel was on date to get baptized the 31 and now that has been postponed as well. Everything was going wonderful with her until she told her family about getting baptized. Her son told her that after she got baptized he would want nothing to do with her. To Isabl her family is the most important thing to her. (as it should be) She has a son, daughter-in-law and beautiful grandson. When she told us all of this in the lesson we had with her she was devastated. We all were heartbroken and cried together. However, the lesson was amazing. I am so grateful for the Spirit that we were able to bring to lift her spirits and strengthen her faith. We are still continuing to visit her and teach her. I pray that God will help us work miracles here in the lives of these two investigators.

It breaks my heart to see so many people that have negative feelings about the church. I love the people here and I pray that I can change some of the feelings that they have and that I can help them find faith in God and Jesus Christ.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. Even though we have tough moments, I am so happy. I love serving others and I am learning a lot. I know God is completely aware of us and his Love is unfathomable.

Until next week.
Hermana Ariana Fuller

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