Monday, March 31, 2014

Staying for one more transfer

Dear Mom!

Don´t worry cause in the end I ended up with this email from you. I loved your email. It made me laugh so many times. Hang in there with boy scouts. But you are super good with that kind of thing. I´m sure they love you, not many women would be so diligent as to hunt and capture a scorpion for their troops. And also hang in there with the construction. Oh I wish I was there to speak spanish to them! I can´t tell you how much I LOVE learning a language. It is hard but so rewarding. I want to learn about a million languages now. Is there a major that allows you to do that?? haha Ps. you should have dad try to share the gospel with those workers. Are there spanish speaking missionaries in the area? maybe they could come by when the workers are there! Oh and how was your lunch with the sisters the other day?

We are trying really hard to work with the members here. We are losing about 3 or more families and 2 recent converts from the branch coming up here soon. The crisis is really bad and there is not a lot of work. A lot of them are leaving for other countries to try to find work. On sunday we were in charge of the combined women and men class. All 6 of us missionaries taught a class about missionary work and how the members can share the gospel with their friends. At the end we passed around a sheet that all of the members wrote down one thing they were committing to do for missionary work and when they were going to do it by. I am super excited to get this going. We are also working on planning a branch activity and an activity with the young women´s. Would you have any ideas?

Well this week was the last week of the transfer and my companion will be staying with each other for one more transfer! Yea, I´m excited. Also they made my area our own district so that should be really fun. We have all gotten really close this past transfer. 

More on the Muslims: We now go and visit two of the moms of the Children that come to English class. Yesterday we went to one of their houses and we talked so much about the gospel. We really have a lot in common, especially when it comes to the commandments. Hassna, the mom, brought us out a whole table of morrocan food and treats. Their food is soooo good. Hassna also has a spanish friend named Marisol who was there with us too. Marisol and a bunch of questions for us! We are going to start teaching here this week. At the end of our visit all of the children came in and we sang a few hymns for them. After they told us they felt really peaceful. The gospel is amazing. And there are so many ways to share it. 

Getting Kissed by Jesus: On friday one of our investigatores was in a play for Easter. We got permission to go see and support her in it. At the end of the play our investigator Nataly was introducing us to people and the man that played Jesus just came right up to me and gave me the besos. Afterwards Nataly was trying to explain to him that we weren´t allowed to give the besos and I said "Es Jesus, Puedo besar a Jesus." It was pretty funny. Then she took us to the cast party and we met this one lady that had lived in England for awhile and speaks English. We took her referance down and she said she would loved to have the missionaries come visit her. 

Miguel: On Sunday morning before church we were waiting to pick up another investigator when this old spanish man, Miguel, came up and started talking to us. He asked us where we were going and when we told him Church, he asked if he could come with us. He then stayed at church the whole time and really enjoyed it. 

From all three of these experiences I have gained an even stronger testimony that God is guiding us every second, that is, if we let him and if we are willing to follow the impressions of his spirit. He leads us (Both members and missionaries) to the people that need the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope you all have an amazing week. I love you and miss you all and I´m praying for you everyday. :)

Te Quiero Mamá,
hermana Ariana Fuller

ps. Today we went to toledo!!!

The Strike

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