Tuesday, June 10, 2014

This week we have seen so many miracles


This week we have seen so many miracles. Everynight we are scribbling down a million things that happened that day to put in our happy thought jars. God has really been so good to us.

One of the highlights.... ALEXIA passed her baptismal interview! And she will be getting baptised this friday at 7:00. We had an amazing lesson yesterday with her and her younger sister and her mom. Her mom is less active and hasn´t stepped foot in a chapel here in Spain since she came here around 13 years ago, however she still has a very strong testimony of the gospel. In our lesson her mom bore her testimony and shared how she always knew that Alexia would be baptised. We were all in tears by the end of it. We have really seen a miracle take place in this family. After her baptism we are hoping to work more with them as a family to get the reactivated and one day sealed in the temple. 

We have also seen another miracle with our investigator Charo. She works a lot so we are only able to see her once a week on the weekends, but since the firs time she came to church last week to or lesson on saturday, we have seen incredible change and progress. Before when we would read the book of mormon with her she would struggle with understanding one verse. Now she reads on her own and understands everything better than I think I would reading it the first time. This week she also came to church on her own and stayed the whole time! She is doing wonderfully. 

We have also been working really hard recently to strengthen our relationship with the ward members and leaders. We had a family home evening with the bishop and his wife and we talked about the things we could do to help strengthen the ward. The next day after the family home evening the bishop told us he had an anouncement he needed to tell us. You see, every week all of the missionary companionships in the ward rotate eating with the bishop and his wife every thursday. He told us that the Elders were going to continue rotating every week.... but that the hermanas are not rotating, we are eating with him every week. Milagros y Bendiciones del Señor. 

This week we also met with an old investigator that´s from California. He showed a lot of interested and we are really excited to start working with him. I´ve never taught an American before so I´m excited about that. 

This week we also had the amazing opportunity to go to the temple. I can truly testify of the spiritual strength that the temple gives us and how through going to the temple we can become closer to God and Jesus Christ. 

Study Idea: 
This week I gave a talk in district meeting about Asking Questions. To prepare I looked up all of the questions that the prophets and apostles asked in the last general conferance and I really learned a lot from what I found. 

So I haven´t gotten the package yet but I´ll be hoping it will come this week. I don´t have much time left today but thank you for everything!!

Te Quiero,
Hermana Ariana Fuller

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