Monday, June 2, 2014

I´m feeling some miracles coming our way!


Things are still going as well as ever here in Barrio 2. We are the only sisters serving here and then there are 6 elders. Right now we are trying to work with the members to strengthen the ward and to help the to have more trust in us. We live about 40 minutes away from the temple and actually we went there this week for a zone conference! We also get to go there again next week to do a session. It really has got to be one of the most beautiful temples ever. 

As far as Grandma and Kenyra, I understand if you have to vent. You, Kahana, and I will have to make a pact to never do that, deal? Okay. I would just say just really seek the help of the spirit to know what you should do and say to help them. Cool news, one of my teachers from the mtc is a member of our ward!! (I´ll take a picture to send to you) but anyways she made an awesome comment in relief society that I loved "A prayer of faith requieres action." So just go to the Lord with a prayer of faith and I know He will show you what to do. (2 Nephi 32:1-3, 5).

This week we had a really awesome Zone Conference where they talked so much about the Love of God and how everything we do should driven by the love we have for God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The meeting was a very spiritual experience for me. I really felt the love that God has for us and that even though I am an imperfect servant, and imperfect missionary, I felt God telling me that he was going to help me overcome all of weaknesses and use me to work miracles for His children. 

This week we´ve had some awesome experiences working with the youth of the ward. We brought our 12 year old recent convert Elysmey, to a lesson with our 12 year old investigator Alexia... and well, they hit it off. One Sunday Elysmey stayed with her the whole time and really helped her feel like part of the ward. She also is planning on going to youth conference now!! yay! Then we brought one of the young men to a lesson we had with our 12 year old investigator Wilder. Wilder is awesome and he really has a testimony of the gospel... he just doesn´t like to come to sacrament meeting. It really brought the spirit to the lesson when the young man bore his testimony of why he goes to church and the blessing it is for him to be able to pass the sacrament. It doesn´t matter your age, every member is a missionary! Youth are the best! 

One cheesy sister missionary thing that we did this week: In order to help us focus on our blessings, my companion and I made "Happy-Thought Jars." (The primary president blood I have in my veins has surfaced yet again.) We made three jars: one with my name, one with my companion´s name, and a third jar for other people, miracles, and tender mercies. Now every time we notice something awesome about the other person, or other people, or the tender mercies and miracles from the Lord, we write it on a little piece of paper and put it in the corresponding jar. At the end of the transfer we are going to read all of them.:) 

Everything is going great over here:) and I´m feeling some miracles coming our way! 

Hermana Ariana Fuller

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