Monday, June 23, 2014

This week we were also blessed with an amazing miracle

The Ward

Hola a Todos:)

This past week was the last week of the transfer. I cannot believe that another 6 weeks has just flown by. My companion and I are staying together which makes us both very happy. Half of our district did get changed though. They took out a set of Elders and so now we are 1 companionship of sisters and 2 of elders. Also, I still have yet to confirm this, but I have heard that I am the new Sister Training Leader this transfer... so we´ll see!

This transfer also ended very similar to the last one... With the "Iron Rod" Activity. I told my district how we did that in my last area and they also liked the idea, so we decided to to it here. It went super well and we had two new investigators come! 

Drago - Drago is a man from Romania that come to fix some water problems that we had in our apartment. Before He could leave we asked him if he would be interested in meeting with us sometime and talking more about the gospel. I told us he was actually really interested so we took down his number and invited him to come to the activity.... and He came! And after the activity we were able to give him a book of mormon, so we´re excited to see what will happen with him. 

María Jesus - María Jesus is a Spanish Women that goes to an evangelist church. She has to work a lot so she can only meet with us on saturday evenings... right when we had the activity! We invited her to come and she absolutely loved it. She told us that she loves the bible but now she is really really interested in reading the book of mormon. She also told us that she had been debating about whether or not to come to the activity but that she is so happy that she did. yesterday she also saw the Elders on the street and she thanked them and told them she loved the activity!

This week we were also blessed with an amazing miracle. Mirta is a new investigator that has a 12 year old daughter that is a member. We were only meeting her for the second time and about halfway through the lesson she asked us if she could be baptized!!!! She is a really amazing lady and so prepared to recieve the gospel. As we were teaching her I kept having the thought that her daughter has been praying. So keep praying! God heres and answers our prayers and He can prepare the people we love to recieve this message! And also pray that Mirta´s boss will let her come to church on sundays!

A really cool service opportunity. Right now we are helping this adorable brasilian girl, Sandra, learn english by reading the book of mormon. The last lesson we had she was telling us about a second hand store in our area that donates all the money they make to help people with a certain disease (I can´t remember what) anyways, my companion and I went over there this morning and we talked to the lady about volunteering over there. This week we are going to start helping out over there and our friend Sandra also wants to come. We have been praying to find service opportunities so we´re really excited about this one. 

About the Fam... I´m so happy Dad´s business is going well! I´ll pray that it can continue to do so. I sent Bowen a story from a Liahona that we share a lot in lessons with members and family home evenings. He just needs to pray, read (both the scriptures and preach my gospel), and share the gospel through his example. He´ll be great:) I´m also praying for him and his basketball. I´m so excited for you about Hawaii! When do you leave? And mom I loved your lessons in Laurels, I always felt the spirit and all the girls loved you. We all also loved the effort and time you put into it, such as with the cute boxes and pictures. And that is so cool! I didn´t know that Dad was blessed with the gift of healing! you know there´s got to be a reason for that! I am so grateful for the priesthood, I know it is the power of God. I´m so happy you´ve been able to go to the temple every week. I want to join you when I get back. My stomach has gotten better this week. Instead of eating yogurt,cereal, or bread for breakfast I´ve just been eating fruit and green drinks and that has really helped me out I think. Also could you send me the recipe for that lemon cake you make? and everything you sent me made it here perfectly. I am really grateful for those oils! 

And Ps.... I turn 11 months tomorrow!!!! wow. 

Love you so much!!
Hermana Fuller

Book of Mormon found on the shelf of the second hand book store they are doing service at! 

Elder Diaz


Ari at the Mall

The District

The District

Ari and her Comp with Elder Diaz

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