Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Officially a Missionary

Dear Parents of Hermana Fuller,

We received your daughter into our mission this morning. We brought her to the Mission Home and fed her lunch. We gave her an overview of the mission and some of the rules and expectations, and spent most of the day with her. She was excited, and seemed ready to get to work.

Later that afternoon, we had a meeting at the Stake Center in Madrid on Temple Square, and met with her trainer to discuss the new 12 week training program. During this 12 week period, your daughter will have an extra hour of companion study each day, and will be given specific things that she must report to the Mission President. We know that this is an inspired program, and will help to make missionaries better teachers and better followers of Christ. Please encourage your daughter in this program. It will help her develop tools that will help her to have a successful mission, and a more successful and fulfilling life after her mission.
Hermana Fuller has been assigned to the city of Gijón, which is on the northern coast of Spain. She will serve with Hermana King, who is from Pleasant Grove, Utah. Hermana King is a happy, obedient missionary, who will be a good first companion for your daughter.

Our Preparation Day is on Monday. Hermana Fuller is instructed to email her immediate family every week. We look forward to getting to know her and working along side her in this great work here in the Spain, Madrid Mission. We can tell she will be a great missionary. Thank you for sharing her with us! We already love her.

President and Sister Jackson

PS Hermana Fuller will travel by train today, which is about a seven hour train ride. She will arrive in Gijon this evening, meet her companion, and get to work. She will be traveling with Hermana Grover, who also arrived in the Mission yesterday. She is in for a great adventure!

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